Breast reconstruction is a blessing to most women who have had a mastectomy. For these patients, a breast reconstruction surgery is one of the only…
Facial Implant
Whether it is your chin, jaw, or cheeks that you feel needs to have a better appearance Dr. Kim has all the tools necessary for…
Post-Op Scars
If there was one downfall to plastic surgery that most patients are constantly worried about, it would be visible scars after surgery. Patients that are…
Corrugator Myectomy
What is it? Why have I never heard of it before? A corrugator myectomy is normally performed on patients who are receiving a brow lift…
Diastasis Recti
For most pregnant women diastasis recti is a term that they are unfamiliar with even though this condition can apply to a lot of pregnant…
Lasers And What You Need To Know About Them
As you may very well know, there are many surgical procedures and non-surgical procedures that use lasers, but what really is a laser? Did you…
Questions for the Doctor
Monica Vasquez Asks: Do you recommend silicone over saline is there really a diffrence? The answer to that question really depends on the patient. What…
Placement of Breast Implants
Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures in the United States. With this in mind, it is important to have…
Breast Implants And Their Incisions
For most women that are going to have breast augmentation procedures the one main worry is where the incision is going to be placed. At…
The Anatomy Of A Breast Implant (Silicone Vs. Saline)
Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery felt that it was important to give our readers a little bit more information about breast implants and the two different…