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    Collagen Injection

    Collagen Injection

    Collagen injections have many uses for a variety of different patients. These would include:

    – reducing the appearance of fine lines near the eyebrows and around the mouth
    – reducing wrinkles around the eyebrows and the mouth
    – add volume to the lips
    – add volume to the cheeks
    – redefine the shape of the nose
    – reduce the appearance of scars

    The entire procedure takes only from a few minutes to an hour, depending on the work you are having done. These injections are not a permanent solution so in order to maintain your youthful appearance additional treatments on a regular basis are necessary.

    The great thing about collagen injections is that there is no recovery time. Right after the procedure is done the patient has the ability to be up and about following their normal daily schedules.

    If you are interested in collagen injections or possibly getting a consultation because you are unsure, please get in contact with Dr. Kim.

    Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery – serves the Beverly Hills / Los Angeles area. For more information please visit the Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery website.

    Laser Surgery

    For any patient that has moderate lines or wrinkles laser skin resurfacing is a great solution for you. During a laser peel a high-powered beam of light is passed over the areas that need treatment, this laser vaporizes the top layer of skin.

    The reason that we get wrinkles and whatnot on our faces and body is because as skin cells die or are damaged they tend to build up; this build up is what causes wrinkles.

    The procedure in itself only takes from thirty to ninety minutes. For the procedure you will be given a local anesthetic and your eyes will most likely be covered (if your face is the area being treated).

    The recovery from this procedure is almost immediate. Patients need to take special care not to wear makeup for at least two weeks and several weeks are need in order to see the results of the procedure.

    Anyone that is interested in laser skin resurfacing or getting a laser peel can talk with Dr. Kim in order to schedule a consultation.

    Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery – serves the Beverly Hills / Los Angeles area. For more information please visit the Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery website.

    Breast Reconstruction

    Breast reconstruction is a blessing to most women who have had a mastectomy. For these patients, a breast reconstruction surgery is one of the only options in order to gain a natural appearing breast again.

    There are two types of breast reconstruction procedures that are available to patient. The first is using implants in order to re-fill the pocket that is created right after your mastectomy. This means that if going with this option the two surgeries must be completed one right after the other.

    The second type of breast reconstructive surgery utilizes a flap of tissue from another area of the body. The flap is then attached to create a breast mound that can be then formed into a natural looking breast.

    Of course with both of these procedures (the second one more dominantly) there will be scarring. You can talk to you plastic surgeon about the procedure and what to expect before going ahead.

    The entire procedure as well as recovery time can take up to a year. During the recovery time patients will most likely be swollen, have to change their gauze/bandages, and wear compression garments.

    For more information on breast reconstruction surgery please speak with Dr. Kim or your plastic surgeon.

    Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery – serves the Beverly Hills / Los Angeles area. For more information please visit the Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery website.

    Facial Implant

    Whether it is your chin, jaw, or cheeks that you feel needs to have a better appearance Dr. Kim has all the tools necessary for you to complete your transformation.

    It’s important to know that most facial implants are inserted through the mouth, that means that the patient needs to have good oral hygiene. If the patient does not, they may not be qualified to be a candidate for this procedure.

    Each implant (chin, jaw, cheeks) is inserted through a different area. Chin implants are inserted through the inside of the mouth in front of the lower teeth. The incision for jaw implants is made in the mouth on either side of the lower back teeth (outer). Lastly cheek implants are inserted through either the upper jaw inside the upper lip or through the lower eyelid.

    The only real risk with facial implants is infection. If infection does occur the implant may need to be take out temporarily.

    Your doctor will give you more information about recovery instructions and expected results.

    Please contact Dr. Kim if you have any questions.

    Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery – serves the Beverly Hills / Los Angeles area. For more information please visit the Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery website.

    Post-Op Scars

    If there was one downfall to plastic surgery that most patients are constantly worried about, it would be visible scars after surgery. Patients that are having plastic surgery done are usually more worried about scarring that patients receiving other types of surgery. Why is this?

    Well the answer is simple. Plastic surgery is meant to enhance the patient’s appearance and, in most cases, give them a better sense of self-confidence. Having scars to worry about is just another problem on the body. With other surgeries, the reason behind it is usually medical and the surgery is needed in order to maintain good health.

    So what can we do in order to reduce the appearance of scars on the face or body when it comes to plastic surgery?

    Taking the proper steps during recovery definitely helps and proper wound care can also become a factor in scars. So what are the steps to proper wound care? You can talk to your plastic surgeon about all the steps in order to properly care for yourself after surgery.

    If you have any questions about post-op scars or taking care of yourself during recovery, please contact Dr. Kim.

    Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery – serves the Beverly Hills / Los Angeles area. For more information please visit the Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery website.

    Corrugator Myectomy

    What is it? Why have I never heard of it before?

    A corrugator myectomy is normally performed on patients who are receiving a brow lift (if they opt to have it done). This procedure is the complete or partial removal of the corrugator muscle (the muscle that draws the eyebrows together). That means that this muscle’s strength will be significantly reduced or completely gone.

    Most patients that opt to have a corrugator myectomy feel that this is a healthy and more permanent alternative to dermal fillers or BOTOX injections for this area.

    There is also a procedure known as a corrugator myotomy which is similar in the fact that it deals with your brow muscle. The difference between the two procedures is that in a myotomy your brow muscle is only cut partway in order to reduce the brow furrowing movement.

    Other names that this procedure is know by is a corrugator excision, or a corrugator clipping.

    For more information about this procedure please contact Dr. Kim or a plastic surgeon near you.

    Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery – serves the Beverly Hills / Los Angeles area. For more information please visit the Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery website.

    Diastasis Recti

    For most pregnant women diastasis recti is a term that they are unfamiliar with even though this condition can apply to a lot of pregnant women out there.

    Diastasis recti is as known as abdominal separation. What does it entail? Basically the muscle that makes up the front wall of the abdominals, otherwise known as the six-pack muscle spreads apart in the middle.

    Most of the time the separation occurs because of the uterus pushing against the abdominal wall. This is why it is most common in women who are pregnant. Also the fact that during pregnancy the hormones in the body can soften the connective tissue and allow it to separate more easily. It can also occur in women who have an overabundance of abdominal fat.

    Generally, woman who have this condition can get rid of it by talking to a plastic surgeon and having tummy tuck surgery done.

    For more information about diastasis recti or having a tummy tuck procedure done please contact Dr. Kim or a plastic surgeon in your area.

    Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery – serves the Beverly Hills / Los Angeles area. For more information please visit the Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery website.

    Lasers And What You Need To Know About Them

    As you may very well know, there are many surgical procedures and non-surgical procedures that use lasers, but what really is a laser?

    Did you know that laser is really an acronym? Yes, it is, and it stands for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.

    There are two types of lasers that are used, ablative and nonablative. The difference between the two in simple terms is that an ablative laser works on the surface of the skin and a nonablative works on the deeper layers.

    A laser emits on color of light. The laser modulates the frequency of light to produce heat; this heat is then used on your skin in order to address the areas that are in need of attention. The color of the light corresponds to the color of the skin that it is going to be used on (i.e. brown spots, red capillaries, etc.)

    Lasers have many different uses and some of the main ones are for:

    – Fine Lines and Wrinkles
    – Skin Tightening
    – Pigmented Lesions
    – Precancerous Lesions
    – Vascular Lesions
    – Tattoos
    – Hair Removal
    – Acne and Acne Scars

    If you’d like to know more about lasers and the different procedures that use lasers please talk to a plastic surgeon near you.

    Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery – serves the Beverly Hills / Los Angeles area. For more information please visit the Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery website.

    Questions for the Doctor

    Monica Vasquez Asks:

    Do you recommend silicone over saline is there really a diffrence?

    The answer to that question really depends on the patient. What the breasts currently look like and their size, and the goals of the patient are all important factors in choosing the proper implant.

    Silicone does have a more natural feel than saline and less rippling but in patients with enough breast tissue the difference is minimal. Silicone will cost more and possibly a higher capsular contracture rate and if it leaks it will just sit there, so the implant companies recommend that every few years you get an mri to see if it is leaking. So silicone implants may be a little more of a headache in the long run. But for some patients the added benefit of feel is worth the added inconvenience and price. I do about 50/50 saline versus silicone. When a patient comes in for a consultation I will carefully evaluate them to see which implant would be the best choice.

    Dr. Kim

    Placement of Breast Implants

    Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures in the United States. With this in mind, it is important to have a Plastic Surgeon for your procedure. Here at Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery, Dr. Kim is just that.

    During your initial consultation you will talk with Dr. Kim about a number of different items concerning your breast augmentation surgery. One of these items is going to be placement of your implants. After meeting with you and looking over a number of factors, Dr. Kim will be able to discuss with you the proper placement for your particular surgery.

    There are a few different placement options that are available for breast augmentation surgery. Once again, Dr. Kim will be able to tell you which is the proper placement for you during your consultation. Implant placement depends on the size of the implant, the anatomy of your body, the size of your current breast, and other factors.

    Subglandular Implant Placement is one in where the implant is placed underneath the breast tissue, but above the muscles in the chest. Another placement that is considered is Partial Submuscular Implant Placement, meaning that the implant is placed, once again, under the breast tissue but this time also partially underneath the chest muscles. Lastly, Complete Submuscular Implant Placement, is one in where the implant is placed under the chest muscles.

    Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery is one of the leading plastic surgeons in the Los Angeles area. Dr. Kim has many years of experience in breast augmentation surgery. You can be assured that he will find the best placement for your breast implant for your body.

    Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery – serves the Beverly Hills / Los Angeles area. For more information please visit the Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery website.