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    Comparing Liquid Rhinoplasty vs. Surgical Rhinoplasty

    Comparing Liquid Rhinoplasty vs. Surgical Rhinoplasty, Beverly Hills Plastic SurgeryIf you are considering having a rhinoplasty, you may have heard of the two main types available: liquid rhinoplasty and surgical rhinoplasty. Liquid rhinoplasty is a nonsurgical procedure that uses dermal fillers to reshape the nose. On the other hand, surgical rhinoplasty is a more invasive procedure that involves making incisions in the nose and rearranging the underlying cartilage and bone. In this blog post, we will be comparing the two types of rhinoplasty and exploring the differences between them. 

    plastic surgeon Dr. David Kim provides liquid and surgical rhinoplasty procedures to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, CA, and surrounding locations.

    What is Liquid Rhinoplasty?

    Liquid rhinoplasty is a non-surgical procedure that uses dermal fillers to reshape and enhance the nose. Unlike surgical rhinoplasty, it does not involve incisions or anesthesia. Instead, a plastic surgeon injects small amounts of filler into specific areas of the nose to correct imperfections and create a more balanced and proportionate appearance. The procedure is quick and minimally invasive, with little to no downtime. However, it is important to note that liquid rhinoplasty is temporary and may need to be repeated every few months to maintain results.

    What is Surgical Rhinoplasty?

    Surgical rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, is a procedure performed by a plastic surgeon to reshape the nose. This procedure can address various concerns such as a bump on the bridge of the nose, a crooked nose, or a wide or narrow nasal tip. The surgery involves making incisions either inside the nostrils or on the outside of the nose to access the bone and cartilage. Recovery time typically ranges from one to two weeks, with results that can last a lifetime.

    Procedure and Recovery Time

    Liquid rhinoplasty is a non-surgical procedure that involves injecting dermal fillers to reshape the nose. The procedure typically takes less than 30 minutes and requires little to no downtime. On the other hand, surgical rhinoplasty is a more invasive procedure that involves incisions, bone and cartilage reshaping, and sutures. The recovery time for surgical rhinoplasty is longer, with swelling and bruising lasting for several weeks. It is important to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to determine which procedure is best for you based on your desired outcome and recovery expectations.

    Results and Duration

    The results of liquid rhinoplasty are immediate, while surgical rhinoplasty may take several weeks to see the final result. However, the duration of the results may differ. Liquid rhinoplasty results typically last around 6-12 months, while surgical rhinoplasty results can last for years, if not permanently. It’s important to note that liquid rhinoplasty results are not as drastic as surgical rhinoplasty results, as the filler can only do so much. Ultimately, the duration of the results will depend on the individual and their unique anatomy.

    Cost Comparison

    One of the main factors that people consider when deciding between liquid rhinoplasty and surgical rhinoplasty is the cost. Surgical rhinoplasty is typically more expensive than liquid rhinoplasty, as it involves anesthesia, operating room fees, and the surgeon’s fees. On the other hand, liquid rhinoplasty is generally more affordable since it doesn’t require surgery or general anesthesia. However, it’s important to note that the cost may vary depending on the specific procedure and the expertise of the provider. It’s always recommended to consult with a qualified professional to discuss your goals and budget before making a decision.

    Who is a Good Candidate for Liquid Rhinoplasty?

    A good candidate for liquid rhinoplasty is someone who wants to enhance the shape or symmetry of their nose without undergoing surgery. This non-surgical procedure is suitable for individuals with minor nasal imperfections such as a small hump, asymmetry, or a droopy tip. Liquid rhinoplasty is also ideal for those who want to test the results of a rhinoplasty before committing to surgery. However, it is important to note that liquid rhinoplasty is not recommended for individuals with significant nasal deformities or those seeking permanent results.

    Who is a Good Candidate for Surgical Rhinoplasty?

    A good candidate for surgical rhinoplasty is someone who is looking to make significant changes to the shape or size of their nose. This procedure is suitable for individuals with specific aesthetic concerns, such as a crooked or misaligned nose, a large hump, or a deviated septum. It is important for candidates to have realistic expectations and be in good overall health. Surgical rhinoplasty is also recommended for individuals who have previously undergone non-surgical rhinoplasty and are looking for more permanent results. Consulting with a qualified plastic surgeon can help determine if surgical rhinoplasty is the best option.

    Schedule a Consultation with Beverly Hills California Plastic Surgeon Dr. Kim

    For more information on the surgical and non-surgical procedures and treatments by Cosmetic Plastic Surgeons Dr. David Kim and Dr. Eugene Kim.  Click here to contact us today.

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