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    Over Muscle vs Under Muscle Breast Implant Placement

    Over Muscle vs Under Muscle Breast Implant Placement, Beverly Hills Plastic SurgeryBreast augmentation is a popular cosmetic procedure that allows women to enhance the size and shape of their breasts. One important decision to make when considering breast implants is whether to have them placed over or under the chest muscle. While both options can achieve beautiful results, there are some key differences between over and under muscle implants that are important to understand before making a decision. In this blog post, we will break down the pros and cons of each placement technique to help you determine which option may be best for you. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Kim performs breast augmentation to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, CA, and surrounding locations.

    Understanding Breast Implants

    Before delving into the differences between over and under muscle breast implant placement, it’s important to have a solid understanding of breast implants themselves. Breast implants are medical devices that are inserted into the breast tissue to enhance the size and shape of the breasts. They are typically made of a silicone shell filled with either saline or silicone gel.

    Saline implants are filled with sterile saltwater solution and have a more firm and round appearance. Silicone implants, on the other hand, are filled with a cohesive silicone gel that closely mimics the feel and movement of natural breast tissue.

    Breast implants come in a variety of sizes and shapes, allowing women to choose a look that aligns with their aesthetic goals. It’s important to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss your options and determine the best implant type for your desired outcome.

    Over Muscle Breast Implant Placement

    Over muscle breast implant placement is a technique where the implant is positioned on top of the chest muscle, but still underneath the breast tissue. This placement option is sometimes referred to as “subglandular” placement.

    One of the main advantages of over muscle placement is that it typically involves a simpler surgical procedure with a shorter recovery time compared to under muscle placement. This is because there is no muscle manipulation involved. Additionally, over muscle implants may result in a more natural breast shape, especially for women who already have a good amount of breast tissue.

    However, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider. Over muscle implants may be more visible and palpable, especially in women with less breast tissue. This can make the implants more noticeable and less natural-looking. There is also a slightly higher risk of capsular contracture, which is the formation of scar tissue around the implant.

    Ultimately, the decision of whether to choose over muscle breast implant placement should be made in consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. They can help you weigh the pros and cons and determine the best option for your specific goals and body type.

    Under Muscle Breast Implant Placement

    Under muscle breast implant placement, also known as “submuscular” placement, is a technique where the implant is positioned beneath the chest muscle. This placement option offers several benefits for women considering breast augmentation.

    One major advantage of under muscle placement is that it can provide a more natural-looking result, especially for women with less breast tissue. Placing the implant under the muscle helps to provide additional coverage and support, creating a more seamless and realistic appearance. Additionally, under muscle implants may feel more natural to the touch, as they are surrounded by the muscle and have more tissue coverage.

    Another advantage of under muscle placement is a potentially reduced risk of capsular contracture. Placing the implant under the muscle may help to minimize the formation of scar tissue around the implant, reducing the risk of complications.

    It’s important to note that under muscle placement does typically involve a longer recovery time and more discomfort immediately after surgery. This is because the chest muscle needs time to adjust and heal after being stretched to accommodate the implant. However, most patients find that the benefits of a natural appearance and reduced risk of complications outweigh the temporary discomfort.

    Ultimately, the decision of whether to choose under muscle breast implant placement should be made in consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. They can evaluate your individual needs and goals and help you determine the best option for you.

    Choosing Between Over and Under Muscle Placement

    When it comes to choosing between over and under muscle breast implant placement, it’s important to consider your individual needs and goals. Both options can achieve beautiful results, but there are some key factors to consider.

    If you have a good amount of breast tissue and are looking for a simpler surgical procedure with a shorter recovery time, over muscle placement may be a good choice for you. It can result in a more natural breast shape and may be less noticeable. However, it is important to be aware that there is a slightly higher risk of capsular contracture with this option.

    On the other hand, if you have less breast tissue and are looking for a more natural-looking result, under muscle placement may be the better option. This technique provides additional coverage and support, creating a seamless and realistic appearance. While the recovery time may be longer and there may be more discomfort initially, most patients find that the benefits outweigh the temporary discomfort.

    Ultimately, the decision should be made in consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon who can evaluate your specific needs and goals. They can help guide you in making the best choice for your desired outcome.

    Schedule a Consultation with Beverly Hills California Plastic Surgeon Dr. Kim

    For more information on the surgical and non-surgical procedures and treatments by Cosmetic Plastic Surgeons Dr. David Kim and Dr. Eugene Kim.  Click here to contact us today.

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