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    About Breast Lift Surgery Recovery

    Breast Lift Surgery Recovery

    About Breast Lift Surgery Recovery, Beverly Hills Plastic SurgeryRecovery process for breast lift cosmetic surgery may slightly differ for each patient. The exact timeframe will depend on the extent and complexity of the procedure, additional surgeries if any, and the natural healing process of your body. Your surgeon will guide you throughout the recovery stage for ensuring faster healing, safety, and impressive cosmetic results with minimal discomfort.

    plastic surgeon Dr. David Kim provides breast lift surgery to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, CA, and surrounding communities.

    Initial Few Days

    Following a breast lift surgical procedure, you should expect to take a minimum of week off work. This period is vital for resting. You should avoid any lifting or bending. After the surgery, you should try to get up and move around the room. After a few days, you should not have any trouble in moving around the house.

    You may need to wear compression bandages and garments for about a week. Make sure to change the drainage tubes and keep your bandages clean as required. Typically, surgeons remove drainage tubes after a few days following the surgery. This is when they will also check your recovery and progress.

    Initial Weeks

    You should be able to return to work in about a week. However, you should try and avoid any strenuous physical activity, particularly lifting and bending. This can strain your chest and cause unnecessary complications. Traditional stitches need to be removed in multiple stages as healing continues. This is usually started in about three weeks following the surgery. You may require sponge baths until your stitches are removed.

    First Few Months

    Your doctor will suggest the right time to return to normal activity levels. You should be able to resume exercise in about 3 weeks following the surgery. It’s critical that you begin slowly and work your way upwards to a normal physical routine. You should avoid heavy lifting for at least 4 to 6 weeks following the surgical procedure.

    Typically, irritation and discomfort subside in a few weeks. However, it may take a few months for the swelling to completely disappear. You should continue wearing a sports bra or compression bra during this time. Don’t wear underwire bras till you get doctor’s approval.

    Minimize Scarring

    The prominence of your scars will reduce with time. However, it’s crucial to realize that some amount of scarring is inevitable. Most patients find the negative appearance of scars to be outweighed by the significant benefits provided by a breast lift plastic surgery. These are a few steps you can take for minimizing the appearance of scars:

    • Wear compression garment or bra
    • Avoid smoking since it inhibits the body’s ability to heal
    • Gently massage the breasts
    • Stay hydrated
    • Avoid caffeine and alcohol
    • Eat a healthy diet that is rich in lean proteins
    • Use silicone sheets or a topical ointment

    Remember that scars become more noticeable in the initial few months following cosmetic surgery. However, they tend to fade away in the following year. Most women don’t worry about scars since a bra or bathing suit usually covers it. Cosmetic surgeon Dr. David Kim receives patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, CA, and nearby areas for breast lift surgery.

    Schedule a Consultation with Beverly Hills California Plastic Surgeon Dr. Kim

    For more information on the surgical and non-surgical procedures and treatments by Cosmetic Plastic Surgeons Dr. David Kim and Dr. Eugene Kim.  Click here to contact us today.

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    Serving Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Orange County, Southern California and surrounding areas.

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