Southern Californians love their pets. When they are considering plastic surgery it is easy to overlook how their pets will affect their recovery. Dr. Kim…
Living until 100 story has “errors”
How many times have people used the expression “if I live to be 100”? With medical progress this has become a reality for many more…
Cultural sensitivity part of medical approach to patients
In a market as culturally diverse as Los Angeles cultural sensitivity is a necessity for any business desiring to succeed. Dr. Kim has a diverse…
Asthma and weight are related
As obesity continues to be one of the most talked about subjects both in the media and socially most would agree the health problems can…
Snap on teeth? Can temporary solutions fix long term problems?
Who would have ever thought that there would be snap on teeth? They are marketed as a temporary solution but one must wonder why someone…
Age related muscle loss may have a new drug that can help
Aging and the changes that come with it are inevitable. People lose muscle as they age in most every area of their bodies. Some areas…
Cycling proves to be good for your health
Cycling has become more than just a trend mostly due to high gas prices. Shared cycling is not only a good idea but it sparked…
A little weight loss could help men in the bedroom
It is interesting that men may not consider their weight when dealing with sexual dysfunction. New reports show that just as with women being overweight…
History of blood clots may be sibling related
Patients considering plastic surgery are asked a series of medical questions as it relates to their health history. One of the questions concerns a history…
Restaurants offer “skinny selections” will they make us skinny?
The words low calorie look great on a menu. But will people really choose to order those selections? The promise of eating less calories to…