In our world of quick and easy we often lose sight of the seriousness of medical procedures specifically surgery. Wanda Sykes recently shared with the…
Jessica Simpson breast reduction or not?
There has been some celebrity buzz about Jessica Simpson and the mystery about her plans for a breast reduction. While rumor is that she thinks…
Generation X redefining 40’s and beyond
The media has embraced celebrities and other women who are over the age of 40 as beautiful and sexy. This has set the stage for…
Adjustable breast implants are they for you?
Adjustable breast implants may be making the rounds again. In theory the concept of changing your mind after breast augmentation may sound like a good…
Red Wine May Have Benefits for Fighting Breast Cancer
Although some studies have linked excessive alcohol consumption to increase risk of breast cancer. A new study finds that the ingredient found in red wine…
A fat bank to store fat… sounds dreamy
Believe it or not there is a trademarked fat storage business called Liquid Gold that was reported in the Orando Sentinel. According to,an online…
Unhealthy snacks at the gym? Where are the nutrition police?
In an economically challenged environment it is not that surprising that the gym have resorted to vending machines to capture the dedicated audience at their…
Los Angeles Times Makes It Clear: Check Your Plastic Surgeons’ Credentials
In this day and age with so much information available via the internet it is amazing that patients are shocked when they learn that a…
Surprising foods that you should be eating
The old saying that you are what you eat really is true. As Americans scramble to find the next great health food a recent NBC…
A new twist for the bride to be… No, Really
An aerobic twist is the latest craze for the bachelorette party. According to the New York Times brides to be are turning in the bar…