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    What Are The Risks Of Breast Augmentation Surgery?

    Breast Augmentation

    What Are The Risks Of Breast Augmentation Surgery?, Beverly Hills Plastic SurgeryBreast enhancement plastic surgery is not as invasive as it used to be over recent years because of availability of superior types of breast implants and marked advancements in surgical techniques. The surgeon, during the pre-operative consultation, will explain all associated risks regarding a breast augmentation procedure and how you may be able to minimize these risks.

    The primary priority of a dedicated surgeon will be to help you make an educated decision. plastic surgeon Dr. David Kim provides breast augmentation surgery to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, CA, and surrounding locations.

    Implant Risks and Complications

    There are several risks associated with breast enhancement cosmetic surgery procedure. Here are a few of the commonly recognized risks and complications:

    Capsular Contracture

    The human body has a natural healing process. When implants are inserted within the breast tissue it causes the development of scar tissue. This tissue forms around the breast implants constricting them. They may trigger excessive strain in certain cases and squeeze the implants.

    This may cause the breast implants to lose their shape and shift from their position or sustain damage. Few patients experience pain and discomfort as well as the breast capsule hardens. You may need another surgery to address this condition.

    Implant Rippling

    Breast implant size in some cases may become too substantial for the available breast skin. This can create wrinkles and folds in the implants leading to a rippling effect on the surface of the skin. Your natural breast appearance may become distorted in this process. You should work with an experienced surgeon that recommends the right implant shape and size to prevent this from happening.

    Implant Shifting or Rupture

    In certain rare cases, implants can shift from their originally intended position. Risk of displacement is usually present in larger breast implants. However, the risk of rupture is present in all types of breast implants. Saline implants instantly deflate upon rupturing. Silicone implant ruptures require an MRI to be detected. This issue can only be addressed by way of a replacement surgery.

    Risks and Complications Related to Breast Implant Surgery


    Risk of infection is high right after and during the breast augmentation procedure. It’s critical for the surgical facility to maintain strict hygienic standards. The patient should also ensure that incisions are kept dry and clean for minimizing risk.

    Hematoma and Seroma

    Tissue can experience swelling if there is fluid accumulation beneath the skin following a breast enhancement surgery. Seroma and hematoma risk can be reduced if temporary drain tubes are placed where the incisions are made.

    Nipples Numbness

    Patients may experience a drastic change in the sensitivity and sensation in the nipple region. They may also experience numbness following the breast enhancement procedure. Generally, the condition resolves on its own. However, in exceptional cases there may be permanent damage.

    Unwanted Scarring

    You should expect some amount of scarring following the breast enhancement surgery. A skilled plastic surgeon will make sure the incisions are placed in discreet locations. Cosmetic surgeon Dr. David Kim receives patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, CA, and nearby areas for breast augmentation surgery.

    Schedule a Consultation with Beverly Hills California Plastic Surgeon Dr. Kim

    For more information on the surgical and non-surgical procedures and treatments by Cosmetic Plastic Surgeons Dr. David Kim and Dr. Eugene Kim.  Click here to contact us today.

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