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    Can your man have a super hero body?

    These days what used to be visible only in cartoons and sketches has made it to the big screen. More men days are concerned with

    Posted in Plastic Surgery

    Proof Mammograms Reduce Breast Cancer Deaths

    After many years of study mammograms have been proven to reduce breast cancer deaths. Dr. Kim has expertly performed many breast augmentations over the years.

    Posted in Plastic Surgery

    Lightning strikes more men than women

    Next time that you say he has a better chance getting hit by lightning, make sure that the odds are correct. The study that shows

    Posted in Plastic Surgery

    Braces for adults? Can you still have a facelift?

    A smile for many can make the difference between being attractive or being plain. Crooked teeth speak volumes about the beauty and percieved social status

    Posted in Plastic Surgery

    Men suffer from emotional stress too

    It may be difficult for men to admit, but they suffer from the effects of stress just like women. Dr. Kim explains to his male

    Posted in Plastic Surgery

    Study Says Eating at Restaurants Can Contribute to Obesity

    It is no surprise that eating at restaurants will make it more difficult to maintain a healthy diet. One must consider that while the difficulty

    Posted in Plastic Surgery

    Study Says Massage Really Does Help Unidentified Back Pain

    Back pain can be debilitating and affect the quality of life substantially. Patients who have extremely large breasts often complain of back, shoulder, and neck

    Posted in Plastic Surgery

    Female “love drug” has dangers

    Our society become accustomed to finding a drug that cureseverything. For women the new buzz is for a drug that promises an increased libido. Patients

    Posted in Plastic Surgery

    Expert says the water recommendations are “nonsense”

    Sticking to a diet and exercise program used to be a badge of accomplishment. This includes reaching the 8 glass a day recommended water consumption.

    Posted in Plastic Surgery

    Still in search of the perfect sleep drug

    As pharmaceutical companies fight to be the first to market with newer, stronger, sleeping pills few question what is keeping Americans awake? For many women

    Posted in Plastic Surgery