Being in the spotlight, especially as a young celebrity, involves incredible pressure. Unfortunately as a woman most of the pressure is based on weight as…
Plastic surgery blog: Obesity drug not likely to be approved
The obesity epidemic has prompted the pharmaceutical companies to search for obesity drugs that would help consumers lose weight. According to a recent Los Angeles…
Plastic surgery blog: The economy and plastic surgery
When people think of the economy and are looking for measures of its increase or decrease plastic surgery is often an indicator. According to a…
Plastic surgery blog: The Grammys
It would not be Southern California, specifically Beverly Hills if we did not address plastic surgery at the Grammys. Of course, we know that plenty…
Plastic surgery blog: Smelling good and puckering up could be dangerous
The chemicals in cosmetics have been under fire for quite some time. According to recent ABC news report both lipsticks and perfumes are raising concerns…
Plastic surgery blog: Micro chip technology helps medicine
Microchip technology is familiar for people who have pets. According to a recent Los Angeles times article microchip technology may soon be helping us to…
Plastic surgery blog: Loss is painful; focus on feeling good
Currently there is a lively debate in psychiatric circles that questions whether loss of a loved one is truly depression or normal reaction. According to…
Plastic Surgery Blog: The truth behind wrinkles
Wrinkles are a part of the aging process nobody ever likes to see appear especially on their face. According to a recent online article in…
Plastic surgery blog: Study proves plastic surgery makes you look younger
Plastic surgery especially facial rejuvenation has been presented as a solution to looking younger, yet until now there were few studies that actually proved it.…
Plastic surgery blog: Wardrobe woes could cause health problems
According to ABC news story men and women who shoehorn themselves into skin tight jeans and battle to button their trousers or knot their neckties…