Category Archives: Plastic Surgery
How do celebrity moms gets so skinny, so fast??
In Southern California especially Beverly Hills we love our celebrities! At least we love to engage in our love-hate relationship with them. A recent CNN…
Celebrity body $50,000; Dr. David Kim… Priceless
Having a celebrity body comes at a hefty price according to a recent online publication. Although the information should be taken tongue-in-cheek the writer attempts…
Pole fitness hot in NY, will West Coast follow?
The West Coast, especially Los Angeles and Beverly Hills, usually set the trends. Pole fitness is not a new trend; however in New York City…
Real Housewife Kim Richards plastic surgery and rehab
The dish on the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills hits home when they make the news mostly because in Beverly Hills it’s hard not to…
Most Americans think they are hot… You? NOT
According to a recent study Americans are not short on self-confidence when it comes to their looks. A recent online article in the Orange County…
More doctors choose alternative therapy
Traditional medicine has begun to see a shift towards alternative therapies. According to a recent article in the Los Angeles Times more doctors are electing…
Think Yourself Skinny… Really?
As we approach the New Year many articles will promote weight loss and fitness ideas. Women’s Health Magazine is no exception. According to a recent…
Lap Band Marketing Company in trouble with FDA
Unless you’ve been living under a rock you have seen the marketing ads, billboards, and radio commercials for the last 15 months promising a thin…
Tom Cruise looking VERY young!
When Tom Cruise appeared with his much younger wife for the Mission Impossible premiere everyone was aghast at how young Tom looked. Of course, here…
Breast implant scare in France
There has been a warning issued to women in France regarding breast implants and concerns over their probability of rupture. According to newsmax an online…