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    Psychologist warns not to flush the multi-vitamins! Yet…

    A new report that cited a Finland study concerning older women and the use of multi-vitamins appears to have gone viral over the internet. Women

    Posted in Plastic Surgery

    Halloween licorice could be a deadly trick instead of treat.

    This time of year it is not unusual to get the warnings about unwrapped candy and razor blades hidden inside of apples, but accoording to

    Posted in Plastic Surgery

    Honesty is still the best policy

    In a world of political correctness it seems silly to remind patients to be honest with their doctor. But, since we are talking about truth

    Posted in Plastic Surgery

    Daylight savings time affects more than your clocks

    The extra hour of sleep that we were able to catch this weekend for many was an added bonus. But, a recent article online pointed

    Posted in Plastic Surgery

    Can you be obese and still healthy?

    Can you be obese and still healthy? This appears to be one of the most controversial questions on the internet today. According to an online

    Posted in Plastic Surgery

    Lifestyle changes can sometimes trump genetics

    We’ve all heard the expression; you have to play the cards you’re dealt,this usually in conjunction with genetics. According to a recent CNN news report

    Posted in Plastic Surgery

    Competitive eating contest send the wrong message

    Most of us would have never have thought that there would be a sport known as competitive eating. But, thanks to reality TV not only

    Posted in Plastic Surgery

    Breastfeeding rejected for fear of sagging?

    Most medical reports in recent years advise new mothers to breast-feed their babies. When mothers are reluctant to do so there is speculation as to

    Posted in Plastic Surgery

    Diabetes forecast state one out ten will suffer with the diesease

    A disturbing report article reported that The International Diabetes Federation predicts at least one in 10 adults could have diabetes by 2030, according to its

    Posted in Plastic Surgery

    Does chewing gum boost weight loss?

    Most foods that we consume especially those that taste good, have ventured out to prove that they are good for you. It appears as though

    Posted in Plastic Surgery